Banking & Insurance

Improve the efficiency of your organisation

Spirit Advisors is specialized in operational excellence in the banking and insurance sector. We help you build an efficient, agile and empowered organisation.


An often complex, matrix-based organisation

The organisation of banks and insurance companies can be complex : siloed organisations and/or operations, not necessarily customer-focused, lack of fluidity in the customer journey and poor alignment between front, middle and back office teams, a lack of agility, or poor visibility and management of the ROI on processes or actions…there are many areas for improvement.

Operational excellence is an effective lever for building more efficient, customer-focused organisations.

Key success factors


Understand the current situation

Analyse the current organisation (results, processes, internal and external customer satisfaction) in the light of the company’s challenges and ambitions, considering external practices (market studies, benchmarking, etc.) to identify and quantify areas for improvement. The analysis can include both quantitative studies and on-site observations to capture the reality on the ground and the issues faced by employees.

Smoothen the organisation and processes

Rethink the organization between back, middle, and front offices to promote synergies and efficiency. This involves, in particular, modeling and optimizing key processes, clarifying roles and responsibilities (mapping roles and scopes of each entity, activity, or team to avoid activity duplication and/or task fragmentation), and fostering a culture of kindness (learning or relearning how to work together and understanding each other’s landscape).

Manage activities and improvements

Establish a structured and effective activity management system by defining key performance indicators (KPIs), involving operational management (from employees to top management), and using simple and robust management tools. This is aimed at better managing activity seasonality and thus improving customer satisfaction by optimizing the alignment between the teams’ workload and their capacity.

Expected gains

Major gains of an efficient organisation


Customer satisfaction

Improving customer satisfaction : cross-functionality and agility facilitate responsiveness



Strong commitment from our teams to achieving the set objectives, thanks to comprehensive and structured activity management



Greater clarity in the distribution of roles and scopes within and between the various entities and a better quality of life at work (QWL): right-sizing teams makes it easier to cope with peaks and troughs in activity that can generate stress.

Use case

A reorganised, forward-looking organisation

Our client is a mutual bank in France. As part of its strategic plan, the management wanted to review the organisation of all its central services, thereby breaking down silos, reorganising tasks, clarifying roles and responsibilities, and instilling a new management culture.

We were able to map the structure, activities, management system and processes of 8 departments, and launch 3 priority projects, involving more than 100 people, including the Business and Social Council (BSC)

Spirit Advisors’ distinctive point : A 3-stage approach – develop a methodology tailored to the maturity of your teams, help managers build their skills, and support them in implementing the methodology on the ground.

This program was complex and required a real experience in change management. Spirit Advisors created a favorable environment for this. They have a stimulating effect because they challenge, but also a reassuring effect because they channel the discussions.

General Manager of the Bank
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Bruno Sounack, founding partner and banking sector specialist at Spirit Advisors, would be happy to discuss your projects or ideas.

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Banking & Insurance

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Adapting your distribution model

Helping to define a strategic plan

Improving the customers and employees experiences

Optimising key processes

Home Banking & Insurance Improve the efficiency of your organisation