Banking & Insurance

Main stakes in Banking - Insurance sector

For several years now, Spirit Advisors has been supporting clients in the Banking and Insurance sector with their transformation projects. Whether they are international, national, or regionally owned, Banks and Insurance companies rely on our skills to ensure the success of their projects and achieve tangible results.


A strong resilience in a context of constant instability

In a context influenced by geopolitical, climatic (mainly impacting Insurance companies) and economic crises, digital evolutions (with AI in particular), CSR concerns, etc…the Banking and Insurance sector remains resilient but must face up to major challenges.

The 5 key challenges Banking - Insurance sector faces

  • Defining a strategic plan

  • Improve the efficiency of your organisation

  • Optimising your key processes

  • Adapting your distribution model

  • Improving customers and employees experiences



Spirit Advisors helps Banking and Insurance companies to define medium-term strategic plans by identifying the challenges for the next 5-7 years and creating a precise, detailed roadmap to counter them.


Clear objectives translated into business and performance plans. Greater resilience of the organisation as a whole.  Clear objectives set out in activity and performance plans, and better optimisation of human and financial resources.

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Spirit Advisors helps Banking and Insurance companies to improve their efficiency and effectiveness, which is often impacted by silo organisation and/or operation, excessive administration, poor alignment of front and back office teams, etc…


Improved customer satisfaction. Strong commitment from teams to achieving the objectives, thanks to structured activity management. Greater clarity in the distribution of roles and responsibilities within and between the various entities, and a better quality of working life.

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Spirit Advisors supports Banking and Insurance companies in optimising key processes such as account opening, applying for home or consumer loans, making a claim, etc.

These processes require a simple, fast and fluid answer, while promoting customer autonomy.


A powerful competitive advantage. Improved customer acceptance of tools and services, making it easier to acquire, develop and retain customer relationships. Time saved for the advisor, who can reinvest it in higher value-added tasks.

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Spirit Advisors helps Banking and Insurance companies to improve the performance of their distribution model : physical branch networks to be maintained or adapted, the role of the advisor to be rethought, increasingly digital and omnichannel customer relations, etc…


Improve sales performance. Adapt your value proposition to your markets and targets. Enhance the skills of your sales teams, capitalise on your local presence, and increase the number of new customers and business development.

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Spirit Advisors supports Banking and Insurance companies in improving the customers and employees experiences, which is being shaken up by new uses, AI and new technologies, and by increasingly important considerations (CSR challenges, quality of life at work, work-life balance, etc.).


Either for the end customers, the employees or the company itself, improving experiences with Banks or Insurance companies brings a lot of benefits going from the customer satisfaction to the employee quality of life at work.

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What customers say about us

You get the feeling that you're being supported by real banking professionals. You can see that they know the banking industry. Spirit Advisors brought methodological rigour and cutting-edge benchmarks, without giving the impression of coming with a ready-made solution. We speak the same language, which is very reassuring !

General Manager Credit Mutuel

Our use cases in Banking & Insurance

Home loan process to be improved


Focus on winning new business and improve customer satisfaction


Run a strategic and complex digital project

Project Management

Complete overhaul of an online bank organisation


Reorganisation of a bank central services


Boost the premium offer of a bank


Restructuring of a banking offer


Review of a regional bank’s distribution model

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Let's discuss
your project

Together we define what makes our collaboration a success. Each project has precise and measurable objectives. Want to unlock the full potential of your people and your operations? Contact us now to accelerate your transformation.

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