Industry & Field services

Optimising processes and structuring data

Spirit Advisors is the specialist in operational excellence for industry. We help you to optimise your industrial processes and structure your critical operational performance data.


At the heart of industrial performance

Production processes are at the heart of industrial performance: controlling them and constantly improving them are the keys to reindustrialising our countries, or at least a sine qua non if we are to retain what remains of our industrial activity. It’s so easy to decide to relocate production in order to cut costs… but other parameters tip the balance in your favour: optimum quality, reduced environmental footprint, short and reliable delivery times, flexible production facilities allowing a wide variety of products, industrialisation of new products in record time.

Data quality plays a key role here: it’s essential for steering and optimising your processes, and it also enables you to clearly demonstrate the intrinsic value of your production facilities.

Key success factors

on high-performance
and data

Diagnosing your processes

There are several pitfalls to avoid: mainly going straight for solutions that are supposed to solve everything or relying solely on benchmarks that erase the specific features of your plants. Instead, our teams go out into the field without preconceptions, using a broad spectrum of analyses (process, data, behaviour) to identify the real levers.

Thinking about flows

Did you know that in manufacturing a plant spends on average 90% of its time waiting or moving?  A lot of energy is spent on reducing the 10% of operating time, but who is working on the 90% that will tie up cash, lengthen lead times, clog up workshops and reduce plant capacity?

Improving quality

Quite often, we see engineers working hard to eliminate quality problems in production. By working in the field with cross-functional teams including workshop technicians and operators, we identify critical points and co-develop appropriate solutions. Those who do are now those who know!

Organising collectively

The most difficult stage in solving a plant’s major problems is often to identify the real problems and to develop a shared sense of urgency within a management team. There are many pitfalls. We help teams to move in the same direction together, at the same pace, with a shared interest.

Developing leadership in the field

The key to continuous improvement and the sustainability of good practice is found in the field: this is the major role of first-level production management. By combining Lean and Leadership training with day-to-day support in the field, we enable your team leaders and supervisors to become proactive players in improving performance.

Major gains of optimising processes and structuring data


Strong ROI

Generate a solid return on investment: streamline your activities and gain in quality and efficiency, stabilise production processes, reduce lead times, increase plant capacity, reduce working capital, improve Time To Market


High-performance culture

Establish a culture of continuous improvement: better alignment of the entire organisation on major problems and actions, pro-active operators to propose new solutions for improvement, field management involved in performance improvement


Structured data

Structure and make your performance data more reliable: better visibility, more reliable forecasts, relevant and robust indicators for informed decisions

Use case

Better productivity through control of industrial processes

Our client is an American industrial group with several manufacturing sites around the world, specialising in the precision casting of aluminium, titanium and zinc products. The group is looking to stabilise its industrial processes in order to rapidly establish new production lines and launch new value-added products at one of its sites.

The Spirit Advisors teams co-constructed and supported new management systems for various processes: production, quality and maintenance. They have also aligned local methods with those of the Group, thereby establishing best practices that can be replicated by other plants.

Spirit Advisor’s distinctive point : A participative approach. We set up multi-disciplinary working groups made up of engineers, operators and supervisors, as well as constant coordination with the corporate teams.

We work with Spirit Advisors on a trust basis. They are true professionals in the manufacturing industry. They are flexible, sincere and diplomatic. For me, they are the elite in their field

General Manager
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Anders Larsen, founding Partner and Industry & field services specialist at Spirit Advisors, would be happy to discuss your projects or ideas.

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